
The most interesting trends in the cutting technology

The most interesting trends in the cutting technology

The material cutting technology should be fast, economical, effective, accurate and integrated with network solutions. Modern software or communication interfaces have a huge impact on providing high quality end products. However, these are still expensive solutions that also affect the final price of the service. That is why you need to look for advantages from the purchase of a modern machine that can be important for the operation of the entire plant.

Compact machines that are easy to use and have many functions are popular on the market. The latest cutting trend is 3D cutting technology and plasma cutting. Both methods are used with a view to comprehensive technological possibilities ensuring maximum production flexibility.

Our company has put a lot of emphasis on modern cutting technologies, for instance by purchasing a modern Trumpf laser cutting machine with a Fiber source with a 6 kW TruDisk laser power. Thanks to this, our laser cutting services have become definitely faster, more accurate and more efficient.

Laser cutting with the Fiber machine uses nitrogen for cutting, which deprives the details’ surface of oxides, so we can go to the further part of the production process, which is welding or painting the element, without additional processing. In addition, our laser cutter features the BrightLine technology of oxygen and nitrogen cutting. These technologies translate into cutting large thicknesses of steel with really small holes and obtaining better edge quality that equals to CO2 laser quality, but with even higher power.

We invite companies from Poland and abroad to familiarize with our offer of material cutting, including laser cutting. We will provide you with additional information in close cooperation with our company based in Strzelce Krajeńskie, 4 Cmentarna St. and by phone +48 95 762 08 61.

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