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Metal forming

Metal formingMetal formingMetal forming
Metal forming is a series of processes designed to change the shape, dimension or structure of a metal sheet. It is achieved by using an appropriate machine for applying pressure exceeding the plasticity limits of the material. It is currently the most popular method of forming the metal sheet. ... more»


A robot is welding and welding

A robot is welding and weldingA robot is welding and weldingA robot is welding and welding
Traditional welding is slowly coming to an end. More and more often our industrial facilities rely on the work of welding robots. Not only the welding industry uses them. The number of industrial robots used in the automotive, food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries is increasing, as well. Also... more»


Parameters influencing the machining process

Parameters influencing the machining processParameters influencing the machining processParameters influencing the machining process
Modern CNC machines have a great impact on the quality of machining. They are the key to the efficiency and quality of the entire process. While buying a modern CNC machine we should pay special attention to the most important parameters, such as: lifespan of the machines automation of loading... more»