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Trivia on the portal

Trivia on the portalTrivia on the portalTrivia on the portal
We have described on our portal the Bronze Age. Now it is time for the Iron Age. This age had a tremendous impact on economy and other important areas of life at that time. We have also written about structural steel for general usage. We have listed its uses and features, as well as described it... more»


What is metallurgy?

What is metallurgy?What is metallurgy?What is metallurgy?
Metallurgy is the science of metals covering the following issues: forming processes casting metal science extractive metallurgy. The subject of research is metal ores processing until the receipt of the final product. The first issues related to the science did not appear until t... more»


What is drilling?

What is drilling?What is drilling?What is drilling?
Drilling is machining the material with an appropriate tool called drill. The result is a hole in shape of the used drill. Drilling is done on stationary and portable (hand) drilling machines. The process takes place when the drill rotates, and the object does not move or vice versa – the drill... more»