
What is a sheet metal?

What is a sheet metal?

Sheet metal is a metallurgic product whose thickness is considerably smaller than its length and width. As thickness of sheet metal ranges from tenths of a millimetre to several dozen millimetres. It is made from steel and non-ferrous metals and is obtained by hot or cold rolling. Sheet metal may be smooth (flat) or have surface texture. It is most often supplied in the form of flat sheets or coils.

Types of sheet metal:

    By thickness:
    By structure and appearance:

Nowadays, sheet metal is a very popular building material, widely used in the industrial economy. In our plant, too, we make great use of the advantages of this type of material by carrying out processes such as:

If you are looking for a reliable company in the field of sheet metal processing, we recommend our services, which you can find in the offer tab on our website. For more information, please visit us in Strzelce Krajeńskie, ul. Cmentarna 61 or call +48 95 762 08 61.

We look forward to working with you.
