Laser beam cutting
Laser cutting of tubes and sections
Robotic welding
Sheet metal bending
Laser cutting of metals is a fascinating technological process where a concentrated, high-powered beam of light interacts with material, leading to its controlled separation. Although the process might appear relatively simple, it actually involves a series of complex physical phenomena that determine its efficiency and final quality.
A key aspect of the entire process is the moment when the laser beam strikes the metal surface. This initiates a complex sequence of phenomena related to energy absorption. Some of the radiation is reflected, but a significant portion is absorbed by the material, converting into thermal energy. Interestingly, the material's ability to absorb radiation increases with its temperature, creating a positive feedback loop. This mechanism ensures that the process becomes increasingly efficient once initiated.
As the local temperature rises, the material undergoes successive phase transformations. Initially, the solid material heats up, then starts to melt, and with sufficiently high energy, it can even vaporize. In cases of particularly intense laser interaction, direct sublimation may occur, where the material transitions from solid to gas, bypassing the liquid phase entirely.
During the cutting process, a characteristic kerf is formed. This is a dynamic phenomenon where molten material is blown away by a stream of assist gas. The shape and quality of the kerf depend on numerous factors, including laser power, cutting speed, type and pressure of the assist gas, and the properties of the material. Within the kerf, highly complex flow phenomena occur, involving both the movement of molten metal and its interactions with the assist gas.
One of the key challenges in laser cutting is controlling the formation of dross—excess solidified material on the lower edge of the cut. Dross forms when molten metal is not completely removed from the kerf and solidifies along its lower edge. Its formation is influenced by factors such as the viscosity of the molten metal, the pressure of the assist gas, and the speed of the process. Controlling this phenomenon requires precise parameter selection and proper configuration of the cutting system.
An essential aspect of the laser cutting process is the formation of the heat-affected zone (HAZ). This is the area adjacent to the cutting line where the material, although not melted, undergoes structural changes due to high temperatures. In this zone, various phase transformations in the solid state can occur, potentially altering the mechanical properties of the material. The size and characteristics of the HAZ primarily depend on the process parameters and the thermal and metallurgical properties of the material being processed.
Understanding all these phenomena is crucial for the advancement of laser cutting technology. Modern laser systems are equipped with advanced control mechanisms that enable precise process management and minimize undesirable effects. Continuous progress in laser physics and materials engineering leads to further improvements in this technology, allowing for cutting an increasingly wide range of materials with greater precision.
Research into the physical phenomena accompanying laser cutting remains intense in scientific centers worldwide. Particular attention is devoted to mathematical modeling of the process, which helps better understand the underlying phenomena and optimize cutting parameters. Looking ahead, the use of artificial intelligence to predict and control laser cutting phenomena appears especially promising. Combining traditional physical knowledge with modern computational methods may open new horizons for this technology.